[ 22 ] Broken phones and sappy stories

7 . 57 pm Hide the rum. I wish I didn't have writer's block. I have a couple of great fans of my story that are dying to read the next chapter. Too bad I haven't thought of it yet. If you'd like to read it, the first seven chapters as well as the prologue can be found here: Supernova. My phone's battery is being sucky lately. I've been charging it for like a week, and I talk to someone on it for like 5 minutes, and the battery dies. The service sucks, too. I think I like...broke my phone. T_T At least it still works. Too bad I did 400 texts last month. Dad exploded. Not surprising. This is surprising, however: he gave me a month to prove that I could be responsible enough to keep the 250 text deal. So I really hope I can. I saw Pirates with Katelyn. She slept over two nights and left yesterday. She's gone back to Washington. I shall miss her, but maybe it's for the best. We argue a lot, and we were growing apart. Hopefully she'll find great friends. Anyway. Pirates was teh secks. ♥♥♥ Like Chelsea said, Keira K. did look smashing even trying to be a boi. Gr. And Jack looked simply stunning with his six other eyes. And I KNEW it would be Barbosa. If you haven't seen it, I apologize if I just ruined a little bit of it for you. My recommendation: go see it right away. Mmtay. Well, I'll go now. Bye. ♥//sharpie
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currently going through writers block as well.

how cool.

you asked me to check out your story... but i've already been reading it! :)
well i really do think it's great... seriously. it's different from other stories on sitd. i've read crappy stories about a girl wanting to kill herself because her boyfriend broke up with her. i didnt end up finishing that story and i dont really miss it either. but this one is really different and im growing to love it!