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Feeling: vain
There I go. Sucking as a human again. Judge me. Whisper about me. I hung out with Jade & Karlee again. I knew it would be a bad idea, I knew it. I knew that Jade was gonna start being super super funny again and that Karlee was going to get giggly and that they'd start wanting to have barbie secks. But Jade convinced me. So they came to my house after a while and we made babysitting posters because Karlee had to join us. Joy. Anyway. We played barbies the rest of the night until 8:40 and they had to leave at 9 and Karlee got a little pissed when I said (I admit, a little rudely) that all we had done basically was play barbies and that we should pick them up and stop. And they're barbies had been spoiled little rich girls and they kept wanting to take my barbie to the mall to buy her clothes and stuff and they spent like half an hour ringing the doorbell (a.k.a. "ding dong ding dong ding dong"). So I had that family move and I made a snobby rich girl move into their house and Jade and Karlee were happy and yes we went to the prom they ended up; yes, you guessed it; having barbie secks. Which I'm tired of. I think it's sick and we do it every time we hang out. And I really am tired of having to play barbies with them. But then they get mad at me if I dont play barbies with them. And I'm tired of being the bad person, even though I am. I'm gonna call Katherine tomorrow and confess to her so I can lay my burdens on her. And be the stupid big crybaby I am. I luff her. Katherine, if you read this, thank you. I lovesh you. I want to see you soon. / /chelly
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and how old are you?

-the ninja