I'm back

And won't be home long. I'm got discharged because I mainly wanted to come home. Now I see there's nothing for me here, and I'm going back first chance I get. I'm also single now. Which help make this descision. I'm going either infantry or armor, tanks. Then I'm volunteering for Iraq and hoping for a combat tour. I'm going to put myself in harm's way. I'm going to go there to do violence. Why? So people like you, whoever's reading this, can still read this. I'm going over there to fight in a war that the closest you'll come to expieriencing is CNN. I'm willing to die to defend my ancestral lands from this nation's enemies, foreign and domestic. And I don't care what you punks think. You know who I'm talking to. The one's that talk shit about people like me. Did you ever think that it's people like me that died so people like you could exist? Don't respond unless you got something tactful and constructive to add. (That goes for the negative comments)
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hey pa i am glad to see that u know what u are going to be doing i am sorry for everything and i hope that u be good in ur life i hope nothing happenes to u i have been thinking about us alot and if i knew u wanted me back then i would try to get u to come back home but i dont think u want me so be good and i will always love u know that