What if..

Listening to: Iris - GooGoo Dolls
Feeling: nothing
There was something right there in front of you, that you wanted more than anything else in the world, but were too afraid to grab it? Ever other time you grabbed it, you were burnt. It looked like it was safe, but it burned you. And now your hand's beginning to not work right...not feel. Would you still try to grab it? Even if it meant eternal sorry if you didn't? Would you risk burning yourself again, knowing that if you did you would never recover, and possibly die? That's my problem. Do I risk being alone or unhappy with some whore, or do I suck it up and lay myself on the line again, knowing that my heart's been taped back together enough? Descisions...descisions.
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Its what u want in life..What do u really want in life? To serve your country of be with someone u love no matter what. Or both either way u got decisions, osoito. Well hope things go bien with ya :P Alratos n dont be afraid to say hey when i come online.
Follow your heart always.--