Procrastination, ain't it a bitch?

Feeling: busy
Whoah, the caffeine buzz from that Red Bull I drank about 5 hrs ago just ended like...NOW. I really despise homework; it truly is one of the biggest drags in my life right now, besides work, which is even worse. My boss tells me I'll be working 'till 8:00 at the latest, so why did he keep me until 9:30? Ugh, working at a store is terrible, especially when this store is a clothing store that gets a lot of twelve year-old girls who put clothes everywhere and misplace them, making it a huge hassle for my coworkers and me at closing time. On the other hand, I'm getting paid this Friday, which makes me super-excited, and I fully plan on spending most of my first paycheck on cd's and clothes. I really need to get a homecoming dress, our dance is in like 3 1/2 weeks, and I really want to find a dress that no one else will have. My Goodness, I'm too busy with work and school. Here's my schedule for this week: Wednesday-SCA Meeting Thursday-DJO Singers Friday-Work 5-closing(which means 11-12ish) Saturday- Work 11-5, maybe a voice lesson Sunday-Might possibly be working It doesn't sound like much, but when you add homework in the schedule it all equals stress. G'Night -Emilie
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haha yeah i remember ur name, your minou's niece. i just dont remember ur face cuz i go to VT once a summer nowadays for labor day weekend, but yeah i remember who u are.
Yes, I am a senior. :)
alrighty then