Just an FYI

Listening to: Bright Eyes
Pinktoenails owns. To clear up any confusion, the person...my toes are not painted pink. grrrr, manly man who chops down trees and eats 17 pancakes for breakfast. Rawr.
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you should see mine.

oh wait, you mean PINKtoeNAILS.

doh, I feel silly now.
You own.

But the username does sound funny >:)

or..your pink toe nails..because if you do in fact have pink toe nails i will be concerned.
Yes, I own.
But you do more ownage than me.

Well, maybe they should be pink!!
Okay, no.

I wonder what color mine are..
whoa they arent pink.
im an imposter.

17 pancakes..dfskjdfs sea cow!!
i cant even eat one.
i hate syrup
and other sticky things

i would seriously hyperventilate if someone poured syrup over me..
Die syrup die.

oh oh...cotton candy is killer.
Its good but then my hands get sticky and i start freaking out

and then i end up looking like a cat because im trying to lick my hand clean

who the hell carries around hand sanitizer anyway.

Basketball throwers arent very nice.
But ive done a lot worse to people.

But id like to think ive become a nicer person.

I tend to hurt people's feelings a lot because I say what I think and feel.

Oh well. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut.

Aww im sorry abou you and your girlfriend..i know how it feels my bf and I of 2 years broke up bc he moved to england with his family..
I'm wearing a cowboy hat this is far too large for my head & theres a dragon above my desk. Felt like I should share that.


ever seen kung pow? or monty python and the holy grail? if you have then we will have to elope.
awww come back dammit