To All My Friends

All these new found friends. What am I to do? All I can say is thank you for all your support of me and the way I am. To lana, psychocutter, xqueenofpainx, xrazorxcutsx, you are all very appreciated and loved by me. Thank you for actually taking the time to look at this bastards journal and for being there for him. TO all of you...if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to....I'm here. OMG....I'm showing simpathy and compassion....well, I'm out...
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hey jon! how are yah hunni? awwwwww thanx so much you really made my day! lol im so dumb lol! awwwww u mentioned me in ya diary :) lol i am loved lol! ay dont b afraid 2 show compassion n sympathy it only makes me admire you even more! Jon your truly something special! take care and have a great week x0x0x0x0x
luv lana
Hey I'm more loved than any others. haha--