Welcome to California!

Listening to: No thanks
Feeling: blotto
I just put in Blotto cause I aint got a clue what that means. anyways Hello everyone! Long time no talk. Sorry but I just havent made the time to write back til now. Things are doing pretty swell here in Norcal. Not quite what I had thought california to be but its nice. The base is in a part that looks kinda texas. No snow is kinda nice though, at least for my car :) . You gotta drv at least 30 minutes to get to roseville, Awsome city. Ive got a friend that lives there. Me and Shelly went out with him and his wife to apple grove, One of te numerous "groves" here. Sacramento has some cool stuff, one part called old Sac. That reminds me alot of the old market. But it has alot of candy stores!!! I finally started my actual job, and it is nice to be started. My birthday was yesterday, Shelly got me a new exaust system for my car!!! The new car iss so fast, but it only gets driven on base due to the cost of gas right now. Shelly has a job at the child development center, so far she likes it. She loves the malls out here , just wishes they were alittle closer. Well I hope everyone is doing good. Shelly and I miss all ya'll. Take care and God bless yah. Oh yah leave me a message so I can know how your doing. DAN
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miss you too!! i have a birthday card on the way ... sorry i'm so slow!! i hope you had a super duper bday! sounds like you all have a neato life out
there. i hope it's everything you dreamed of, even if that is a lil idealistic. ;) your mom said you guys don't get to come home for christmas?
i hope you do!!! anyways, hopefully chat with ya soon! take care!!
God bless,
ah you have to read this whole thing from the bottom up, lol! check out my blog @ http://thejournalist.tblog.com it's not real exciting, but yeah
ps - have i told you that i'm crazy for country music? yikes i'm turning into you! LOL :P
It's great to hear you guys are doing well. Enjoy the beautiful west coast weather, as we enjoy our new mediocre west coast offense. Happy Birthday!
ps - i looked up blotto and it means drunk.

haha. ;)