
Listening to: f.f.a.f- monsters
Feeling: aloof
well i dont know how it feels to be aloof- on account of i dont no what aloof is- but i like the word so i'll use it anyway. actually i'm feeling a mixture of things. loving (as always), confused, and a little annoyed. aimee keeps lying to us and i dont know why. she makes me feel like i'm a bad friend or something. i dont no- i dont think i am really, but hey u shud ask my friends that. and then when i get onto her about stuff i feel like an even worse person but i just dont see why she wont just be the friend that i am to her- or try to be. i know she can do what she wants but i hope its worth losing her friends over. if he comes first- which she told me he did!!- then fine, thats upto her but i suppose i wasnt really expecting it. and u no last time when i sed i broke it off with that guy- well i got back into it again. i cant help myself i suppose. i want to see him but i dont no what he thinks about me. do u think if i told him that i hav other offers that his reaction wud give me the answer? if hes bothered- he likes me, if he says go for it- he doesnt care. i'll keep u posted anyway. xxxxxx
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Guys r so nt tht simple
boo! yeh, like i've said i am gonna be the bestest friend that i can be, because i love you guys! sorry again, i feel really bad.
love you