Chelsea's camp!!!

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Feeling: awesome
HEY! OHkay so like Chelsea spent the night WEndsay night...then Thursday we went to Nana's house to go swimming! then chelsea and i spent the night @ nana's b/c we dont see her that often..well i do atleast but Chelsea doesn' we stayed up and played playstation, swam until about 11 at night..*it rocked out!* lol...then friday afternoon Craig picked chelsea and i up to go to her camp..we went fishing w/ eric and brian and it was so much fun!! then we had lobster for supper..then we went back outside and sat in the boat and played truth or dare! haha it was soooo funny! Brian told eric to tell the truth that he liked me and he was like, 'welll...yah...' and ever sense then he has been siting by me and i'm like .... ew. lol then we went inside and the boys went in their room and i went w/ chelsea in her room and there is a vent on the floor and if u stick your head down, u can see the boys in there room! it was sooo much fun! we stayed up until 1am just talking..then we went to bed and woke up, had breakfast, went swimming, then played CLOCK TOWER 3 on PS 2..that is the SCARIEST game i had ever played in my entire life!! so then my mom came and got me and now i'm here...and my mom is having a party thingy so umm..i guess i can go upstairs and hide from the little brats that come w/ their mothers..(?) ohkay sounds great! ttul // out bitches&hoes!!
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Like what the hell do u have against me GOD i have done nothin at all

love always,