Listening to: when i dream at night - marc anthony
so pretty much I feel like just speaking my mind right now.
to start off, the dance was okay. atleast it was awsome hanging out my lovely alyssa and michelle! :) it was funny b/c alyssa and I were coming down the street (she was driving) and she called her car gay and said it stopped. well i thought she was kidding but we got to the intersection and her car came to a stop. we tried cranking it 234223408 times and it wouldnt start all the while, alyssa had to stick her hand out the window and guide traffic. there were these 2 guys that i guess thought that we were just setting there and alyssa was motioning them to go and they just sat there. then after 5 min they went by. it was halarious. but second of all, some of my friends aren't talking to me anymore or just treating me like crap. I have left them numerous comments on myspace and none reply. I mean what in the hell did I do to them, be a good friend? then they turn around and backstab me? wtf is wrong with some people. just pisses me off. third, my grades are improving but they should be better. reason being, the middle of the school year, i got extremely lazy and didn't want to/didnt do my homework so my grades ate the floor then. Im trying to make up for that.
so im supposed to be in bed. its 3:20 and I have to get up at 6 b/c my dad and I are going to yardsales. but why so early, i dont know. my butt hurts anyways so Im fixing to get off
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