My stupid computer had like 80 viruses. No really it did.
My AIM went byebye and we had to fix it. Also all my html codes went byebye. Can you give me some? haha . just to know how to get them. you can take the personal stuff out but i really need them. I don't even know how it happened. I went to look at the and *poof* they were gone.
I love reading peoples diaries. It's in my nature. :)
I'm probably reading yours right now.
Why aren't you people leaving comments?
It's really annoying and yes Lily you are the only one who leaves them except Dash left like one once. Leave more.
Thanks Lily, you're a computer genius. What would I do with out you. Lead a happy and carefree life? Maybe. But that's no fun.
Wow. I thought today was the 16 well that sucks. Like 10 days til Christmaas then. That sucks.
Write later...leave comments.
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