[4Z] Slowwww...

Listening to: South Park :-)
Feeling: bittersweet
I am typng weird because I am doing the home typing keys like my computer teacher told me to type the " home key" thing. Ok that's enough of that. Whoa that took me like an hour wow. That way sucks. I got a new icon for my ragdoll sn and disdain one. South Park Shelly and Timmy. My brother has a Timmy and the lords of the underworld shirt. " Do you know how to bite your head?" "no" "stand on a chair" ( i do this and give a confused look.) My dad told me this when I was real little. Oh my god, I was so stupid. We had a suprise party for Mr. B today. Someone stole my precious purpley balloon. I keep getting grounded....for like...nothing. *"* Tina eat your food you fat lard*"* ~Napolean <3 Alex told me that there's gonna be a ring two or something and we're gonna see it together. Whenever I see a scary movie with her I get all freaked out and she calls me " a frreakin' idiot gosh". There's like this ghost book except its true. It's called House of Leaves and people have to take couciling sessions or something to get over it because I guess its really creepy. My mom's friend Amy sent it to her because shes a giving person and because she couldn't finish reading it cause it freaked her out so bad. I want to read it but then again I'm scared of well I forgot what its called but I saw it with Alex. She knows. Well..... +Charm+
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