Hanging by the high school isn't cool when you're 23

Listening to: Stealing Skylite-
Feeling: bouncy
Haha, my muti-tasking skills need some work. As do my typing skills, but that's a different story. I seem to have a facination with men who can hit extremely high notes. And can play some sort of instrument. And have this thing going on with their hair. And have nice hands. Hands can make or break the guy, and I like having nice hands. My hands aren't perfection, and that's not what I'm looking for. But I like big hands. Like Gerard's. His are nice, big, but pretty. I saw a scary movie today, and I jumped when the balloon popped. Or, el globo, to make my professora de espanol happy. She's a little....interesting some times. We're watching a movie about tourtured people and dictators right now in class. Actually, it's very interesting. "Man, you are such a fuck." I sometimes wonder what it must be like to read this shit. It must be wonderfully confusing. But it must be enjoyable, or no one would read it. Not like anyone has commented recently to let me know they've read it, but whatever. "You were so cool in high school". I love having jeans and chucks on. I think I'll end up buried in these things. I'll be like, 80 and in jeans and chucks. Not that its that surprising. I mean, I may even get married with jeans on under the dress. Or I'll just change into them for the reception. That sounds better."But a loser in the world" I have decided that I am going to elarn to drive as soon as I am legally alllowed to. Which is in July. Becasue this whole staying home thing is bugging me, and all the shows I want to go to are up in fucking rumford. That's too damn far!!!!! I would so be there, if I could. I bet they are playing this song as I type. And that would be awesome, to see them really right there. That would be fucking awesome. You know, I think this is the first time my music thingy actually all fits in the box at once. That's so odd. I like long-ass titles.
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Jeans under your wedding dress would be super awesome.
<3 anna
hey noticed that you didnt have to many friends and if you want to be my friend than thats kool. im new so...

LOVe Ariane
I get lost while reading these things.....but that's a good thing, because i need something to do, right?