In Class...

Listening to: notttthhhinnn\'
Feeling: cavalier
i have no idea what cavalier means but that's my mood ok? :D my day has been good. before homeroom i was in the lunchroom with lerahn* jeff* jr* brent* and martin* and at first.. lerahn like threw a chair at martin.. then the next thing i know jeff just chunked his gatorade at lerahn and like nailed him right in the side of the head. and jeff like ran over to lerahn and was like i'm sorry man and lerahn was like owww! omg it was so funny. me nd jr were just like.. yeahh.. lets go over here now. haha sorry for the bite marks on your hand from yesterday jr ;)! but yeah that made my day. and jason gave me one of those arm band thingys. it says lebron and it's clear. i likey =) spanish was reallie boring and she gave us a ton of work to do and lit. was unbelieveably boring and i definitely failed that quiz. now i'm in computer apps. [[like always]] and i'm just chillin' by the two katies* because my computer doesn't work online. but anyway.. my game was cancelled last night and my make up game is tomorrow. that'll be funn! haha. it's a good team though! but at least my dad isn't taken me to this one like he was going to last night because he has to work. but anywho.. tonight i'm just chillin' i guess unless brandon calls me before he has to help out with his bro's football stuff! but yeah i'm a lil lost right now but that's ok! :) stephy's party is on may 7th.. woot. that's exciting. kay well i'm gona go now! havva fantabulous day everybody!!
Read 2 comments
oops.. i knew they were aligned to the left! i meant how do put them on the right? sorry. and there's a long code and all. just IM me and i'll send it to you.

xo -- stephanie
adorable journal! i put my html codes in, that i use for livejournal, but they didnt work =( .. have a great day! <3 kt