The world is yours, remember

I think that everybody that reads this will agree that the world as it is is doomed to fall soon. I want to remind you that we are the generation that will ether prove our race as good(race=HUMAN), or spin into a crushing world of hatred and suffering. Ya I know I sound crazy... But think.... in 20 years, we will be the people who hold all of the political power. make sure that you always vote and always keep an eye for the truth, even though it could be very enticing to believe their lies. If we continue to live above the rest of the world like this, we will be destroyed in the most litteral meaning of the word.
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nucking futs.
: P
hey. this is lukraze, if you remember me. dont worry. the world wont end for another hundred years or so. dont ask me how i know, but i do. i have "sources" if you will. so dont worry about it.
~~NeCrOmAnCeR LuKrAzE~~
thas crazy stuff right there
Im liking the diary.

Umm...I totally agree. But things won't change look who's president haha...that dumbass

Greedy People with no morals or values soo soo sad :(