The Fierce Deity is back!
With nothing special to say really. Except its been an incredibly long time since I updated this.
Been through a few girlfriends since last time, none of which worked out.
Made an effort to get with a few girls since that time, none of which worked out.
It sure has been a downer, that's for sure, but whatever.
It not like anybody cares anymore.
I haven't met anobody who has even been remotely interested in how things are with me whatsoever.
And that's heartbreaking to know.
But I dunno.
I'm still working hard on trying to find somebody to be with, even if only for a while.
And that seems to be harder than I expected, especially now that I'm getting older and people are just getting crazier.
But hopefully the Fierce Deity won't be walking alone anymore.
But in the end...he always does.