what are you running from?

today I was out wandering the river valley when I came upon quite an interesting piece of "street art" if you could call it that. on one side of the trail that I was running on somebody had sprayed the question "what are you running from?" on the pavement. as soon as I read it I stopped and asked myself... what AM I running from? or better yet, why am I running? Neither question is easy to answer, but I can answer what I have run from I suppose. It seems that I've already run away from the majority of my problems... my home town, my friends, my family, everyone who has ever loved me is now half a continent away. I think I'm afraid of being loved because I'm afraid of losing that love. I am running from love, from fear, from the fact that it is possible for somebody to love me despite not loving myself. I guess the whole scenario could be taken literally, like I'm running because I want to feel better about myself, which is true, but I don't know.
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you're from canada? awesome, i'm from montreal. yeah, i really like elliot smith. His songs definitely fave some of the best lyrics out there. what else do you listen to?
oh don't be sorry! i'm flattered. i'm glad to see you're updating again, i read a few entries below and they were from ages ago. maybe we can be sitD firends? my name is cristina, where are you from?