Listening to: none
Feeling: abnormal
Hey I’m just sitting in my living room drinking my morning coffee...
My life is ok over all but everything bad is either happening to me or people I know...
Wes's car has broken down twice this week I didn't see him all weekend cuz his car was in the shop then I see him the car is working perfectly fine then on Wednesday the car fucks up again so...
That's screwed up and someone sold our loan to our house and I kind of don't know what all that means except it can't be good...
My parents have been fighting because of it...
Well my dad leaves on the 22nd so..? I don't know what I am suppose to do.
I tried going to sleep yesterday at 5 o'clock but didn't work ... I was trying to avoid my parents cuz I didn't wanta hear it. So I went to bed without eating all day yesterday... but it helps my diet
I now weight 125 again and hope by summer to weight at least 115 I hope maybe it’s been a while since I seen 115 on the scale but my height is 5'4 so...
I've been exercising so please don't think I’m starving myself or anything I eat a lot of health food... I started on total and stuff like that...
Well I wish it would just snow so we could get out of school because I am so tried of reading everyday to kill a mockingbird its a good story yeah don't get me wrong but if that’s all you did you might get tried of it oh I’ve got to take a standardized test today on physics so.. And I’m learning about jkf's death how fun...
I hope everyone has a great Christmas I really do... and I hope that everyone can keep Christ in Christmas because its not about presents its about his birth and how he changed our lives dramatically forever.
Well I don't have much more to say so I better get ready for school
-With hope and joy-
Always here,