So I feel empty and devoid.
I haven't known who I am for years. I'm not sure if I can recall exactly what triggered it,
how it happened or why. But for the longest time I've been everyone else around me.
I watch a movie, my mind sympathizes and I feel and act like the characters.
I'm around a person, I mold myself to how they act, and what they want.
That, I believe is why I always avoid human contact.
I don't know who I am. Maybe if i just stay away I'll finally remember.
Everybody thinks I'm the perfect guy for them, the cool dude.
I can't help but spurr them on. Someone texts me, don't even want to talk to them.
Yet, I still respond.
I still try to make them feel special and as if they're all there is for me.
It's all a lie though, I can scream in my head for them to stop their stupid babbling.
Their annoying voice screaching in my ear as I cringe. And I smile away the pain.
Give them a hug to make them smile back. Act as if nothing's wrong.
My mind is constantly shifting, muttering within itself, spouting out a billion different personalities.
I'm already insane, so now it's just driving me around.
Who am I anyways.