What A Day!

I had a great day today, I got to talk to the girl that I was telling everyone about. She is such a wonderful person to talk to, she brightens my day everytime I get to talk to her! She is a great person. I could be having the crappiest day in the world and she brings a smile to my face when I see her log on and she says, "Hi darlin," to me. I was asking her tonight where she likes to eat at and we like to eat at a lot of the same places, so we really do have a lot in common. I can't wait until I get to meet her, cause I know that we would have a lot of fun together. Other then that I had a pretty regular day today, I went to work this morning, today was my third day at my new job! I like it a lot, because not only does my dad work there, I know a lot of the people that I work with. They make the day go by a whole lot faster because they like to horse around a lot and they make it fun! Other then that I haven't done nothing today just the same ole', same ole'. Well until I get back, everyone have a great night and may god be with all the hurricane victims in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, may they all be safe and I wish them the best in recovering from this disaster of a storm. Have a good night everyone. I am gone for now, but not forever!
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Thank you for letting me vent to you darlin, it helped. You're a sweetie.