I am officially having a really shitty day!!

Well it is now official, I am having a really shitty day! I know everyone knows about the girl that I have been telling everyone about. Well, I just saw something that made me feel really shitty. I was looking forward to meeting this girl, but now that will never happen since she is now taken. We have a lot in common and I know that I wanted a friendship, but I was also hoping that more would come out of it. Now I guess we will never know. I would feel really awkward if I ever met her, because I would feel like I would be in someone else's space and that would make me feel really uncomfortable. So therefore I could never meet her. But I tell you one thing, BEING SINGLE FUCKING SUCKS! I hate being single. But oh well, I have been rejected once, and I am sure that I will be rejected again, so therefore I am not worried, I will survive. Oh well. Well I guess that is it for now. I am gone for now, but not forever. Until next time, much love, peace and happiness to everyone! Hope everyone has a better day then I did! Later!
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