good times, good times is all i can say, well except when the dnacing midget appeared! oh what can i say, when my sat's are done on nov. 5, i'll be going to ocsl anyways. but the the difference is tha ti actually have friends there to support! what fun.
la mirada tournament
5:30am wake up refreshed from three hours of sleep
6:20am print out script
6:35am pick up akshay up 35 minutes late
6:45am coffee bean!
7:15am we actually made it on time
7:30am write fantastic intro to script
ya he's definitly loooking a lot hotter since we last saw michelle
loving the boy that loves antoinette....not
three rounds of HI are finally over, thank the lord.
the dancig midget appears with smelly and fattening mcd's and she wonders why she's fat.
our cricular area and the pervert discussion
semifinals, what semifinals?
the lemon game w/antoinette, tanaka and akshay
signing out
el torito!
'battle of the bicthes'
choking on the chips and salsa
later debaters
back to tanaka's house w/dane cook
starbucks with fun pals
farnosh's house
animal crackers the movie
good times
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