
Wow. It's been what a good few years since I've had the time to grace this website. I can't even remember the last time I used this shit! hahahah! Seems like yesterday I was just 16, but at the same time I remember being 16 was the longest year of my life. Anywho. Since I'm on and waiting for Toni to come and pick me up since my car is broken, I might as well sum it all up since then. College Cal Poly Pomona getting kicked out of my house for 7 months getting banned from half the dorms ENCINITAS matt peeing himself naked on the floor drunk sonic the hedgehog nandor and his birthday josh passantino!!! sharon joc sagar danny chad showering with chad (in different stalls), 'stand back so I can throw the shampoo across the room!' ALISO PALMITAS CEDRITOS ALAMITOS MONTICETO zach puking all over my trues in the prius zach puking all over himself and the bed and everything else in the room indiana jones RA Dolly Blue Bombay Mario Party Getting High San Diego Sleeping on saturday morning waking up on monday morning unknowingly Ugh so much has happened, It'll take me forever, I'm just going to name the important stuff until I have time to really sit down. OCC experimenting with one of your best friends, worst idea ever Hookah puff the magic dragon driving around aimlessly getting lost first car accident halloween SB yukka alissa hodges! jungle girl my best friend thien la who likes small children tommy the beach church friends guesthouse in downey pinetree/andy/tri-birthday bash getting shitfaced a lot broken sidekick getting sick 3x in one month embarrassing whip cream incident!
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