look if someone is out there reading this and knows what i am talking abut PLEASE RESPOND TO ME ASAP I AM IN NEED OF YOUR MINE. ok her is the deal i was on the speech team last year and i have been thinking relly hard if i should join this year, yes i loved it and yes even though it was my first year and no i did not place at any time ( which made me fell very bad from my Coach pushing me so much and me expecting to win something) any ways my mom thinks i should do it but yet she dosen't wont me to drive my self crazy. and today my sciece teacher sugested that i should join speech but yet i don't wont to be disapointed SOMEONE PLESE HELP ME NOW.!!!!TELL ME WHAT U THINK I SHOULD DO. SUZIE:{
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dont do it just because other people want you to, do it because you want to. if you dont want to do it this year then dont. at the end of the day they just want you to be happy
hey suzie- this is jess gatewood if you didnt know..... i was in it last year you know, and this year im not going to be in it... do what you want... do it if you want to for speech, not if its the fun ppl in it... w/e i hope that made sense. lol k hope i helped bye