very angry

i am soo made at my mom. ok i'm a sophmore and i was ask to go to prom with a group of girls (and no i am not gay, nither are they). my mom is being such a ass hole. she acts like i shouldn't go and she is like give me a few days to think about it but knowing my mom she would take my hole life if she could. now the reson i think why she wont let me go is because she hasen't heard of these girls before. i mean come on not all teenagers tell there parents who they talk to and who they don't. i really wont to go to prom cause i feel like i should one is leaveing next year and the other mabye moveing to another part of the state. and these girls are like my sisters to me, they are there when i need them and i am there when they need me. so why shouldn't i go. it's not like we are going to go somewhere else. and the worst part my mom wonts me to take a dress that is in my closet that is not even like a prom dress and add things to it. it is a black knee high dress and like hell am i going to whear that thing i didn't like it when we got it and it is going to stay in there untill i can burn it. i told my mom that i wont to go looking at prom dress and see and if worst comes i will then make my prom dress and i told her that. but another thing is she wonts me to pay for every thing the tickets, dress,ect. and that made me made i even asked her if i need a little help could she pay for some of it and i will pay her back or work it off. but noooo she has to be a basterd. i can't balive her. i think i soo diserve to go. i do everything right and my brother dosen't and he got to go last year. what do you think i should do. please i need help right now. diying to go to prom :( and it is so hard not to swear in this thing *&%&$%^$^&(%)*%&^$%#$%^#^%%%$#&**%$%*%&^$^%$(&^%
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