and you think you're gonna get in...

Listening to: rilo kiley
Feeling: complicated
so this three day program we're doing with the freshmen is going really well. i actually met some cool kids. oh, that reminds me, i need a teeshirt for tomorow. we're signing cause we bonded so much...? haha. no, it's cool. wow, summer has flown by, and what an overused conversation piece that is, right? im kind of excited for school. sophmore's like the Jan Brady of your highschool career. you're no longer the youngest one in curls, but you're constantly finding yourself saying "marcia, marcia, marcia". and the guy playing your older brother has a thing for the woman playing your mom...or...maybe that doesn't apply? well anyways, i'll see you in two weeks, unless you dont know me or you graduated (erhem, i mean, you were graduated) or you're ...i need to stop. and to you: i dont know what to think. love, annika
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it has gone by pretty quickly but i am excided too