
Listening to: 90\'s songs
Feeling: blah
I just ran into a website about a PSone game "The legend of dragoon". Cool stuff. I got stucked in the game for months and months. I liked the Tomb Raider series... I got along with Soul Reaver... I even played FFVIII, but this one really kept me going for hours. The dragoon world is so cool. After this absolutely senseless comment, I have to go home. Oh, it was my b-day yesterday the 17th. Happy joy while I slept trough the day. =) Peace. EDIT: I'm 33 years old going on 19. FUCK YEAH!!!
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lol Yes we suck...

Happy belated birthday!
hola mi vida =)
debes estar durmiendo porque te hable hace una hora y estabas medio dormido.
no mas te quise dejar un mensaje para cuando regresas a leer tu pagina.
te amo bebe xxx