Lame Jokes RULE!!!!

Listening to: Brad laughing
Feeling: ill
Lame jokes rock!!! that's y I took my precious fucking time to type these so u can laugh your fucking asses off!!!! in shorter terms... lyfao!!!! Why does Snoop Dog always carry an umbrella? Fo' drizzle!!!! What's green and has 4 wheels? Grass... I lied about the wheels!!!! What goes up and down, but doesn't move? Stairs!!! How do you keep an idiot busy? Put them in a circular room and tell them to go sit in the corner. oooo how bout some lame Your Momma jokes!!! Your Momma's so stupid that she stole free bread! Your Momma's so stupid that she starved to death when she got locked in the grocery store! Your Momma's so retarded that she got hit by a parked car! Your Momma's so fat that when she tip-toes down the hall way, she creates the second San Andreas Fault! okay... I'll stop b4 I get 2 carried away... Blessings from Choi The Asain Mime
Read 5 comments
i like joel better. lol i dunno why. thanks for adding me, ill add u.i feel special. lol
BTW billy is also hot.
yeah i kinda like Joel better 2... i think it's cuz he's just a tiny bit cuter than Benji... But I think Benji is crazier, therefor,he'd probably be the one I'd go out with... If it was legal... lol
ooo yeah for sure!!! billy's a hottie!!! oh and thnx 4 adding me! i feel loved now!
HA! thats funny, the things. it keeps me amused
I'm glad... It's my life goal to make up amusing stuff..
blessings from Choi the Asain Mime- Fred