Lord knows there are things we can do.

Listening to: John Mellencamp.
We got our report cards today, weeks after everyone else. I have my suspicions that my brother was hiding them again, but he won't tell me he was, so maybe I'm just overly cynical. I got all As, all but Math, which was an 85. That grade should be higher, I know. I'm going to start staying after. But Danny got mostly 70s and 80s. Downstairs, my father is screaming. "DO YOU WANT TO GO TO A COMMUNITY COLLEGE?" he asks. "DO YOU WANT TO DRIVE A BUS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?" I neglect to point out that he's only a freshman, he has time, or that I know people with grades like that who have gone to state schools, or that you don't necessarily become a bus driver after community college. My mom reads the grades aloud to me and says, "This is in comparison to your brother's grades of..." I wish she wouldn't compare us. It makes me feel terrible.
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Oh. That was me :]
It's exhausting, isn't it, Jenn? I always hated being compared to my brother, too.

So, do you think that there's a possibility that two people can be in love and not end up together? I'm considering that love is an illusion. Maybe a hoax. I'm tired of being told how to feel. I wish I could just feel what comes, without putting a name to it. Or even having to express it. I'm negative, though.

Life just isn't our time. Or anybody's, really. Still I think we'll all be fine.
[Anonymous (]