
Feeling: beat
yea that song wont get out of my head. its bugging me. and yea...so haunted house...going okay...very exhausting and painful. and getting kinda old. because people are being stupid. its still awesome though and you all should come. so yea... i definitely just read something on the main page that said idle journals will be deleted? yea...i dont want mine to be deleted. i think thats kinda a stupid idea...except in a way its not...some people like me dont have time to update every day or even every week...but we still want to...but then there are some people who just want to have a diary to take up space and to be pointless jerks. and they deserve to have theirs taken away. but yea. there are ups and downs to everything. wow. leann is making a noise that makes her sound like she's having sex. and its really gross...and i want to smack her for it because i dont want to hear/think about that...but my reasons behind smacking her would be very odd..and id get in trouble for it. entry is...over.
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hmm...you made it sound like having an online diary is a huge priviledge or something. if that's the case...we have a lot of...uh...responsibility to uphold. yeah, leann is one of the last people i want to think about having sex. ever. period. and if you wanna get once upon a december out of your head just think about IN THE DARK OF THE NIIIIIGHT!!!!
i know how to spell it. it was just a typo. if she didnt come it doesnt really matter i guess. i mean it sounds like a rumor doesnt it? and i dont know if she'd do that...considering she doesnt work here anymore. she'll see us at competition though. and she'll be mad. she said she'd be really mad at us if she saw us at competition and we had gone back to square one after al lthe hard work she put into our choir last year. we'll dissapoint her.