
Listening to: Burn - Alkaline Trio
Feeling: sinful
EWWWWW! BEING SICK IS HORRIBLE! and i found out that drinking water when im sick makes me even sick-er. how crazy is that? blegh. i feel all....blarghy right now. i hate being sick. i feel bad that i wasnt at school today. im going to die in precal now because i wont understand anything thats going on now. after all that work i put into understanding the trigonometric functions! i wonder if josh went to my precal class today...awww and i wonder how choir was....i feel really really bad that i wasnt there today! aww. darn it. and i bet there was a lot of work in latin today....i'll have to ask carl when he gets online.... i have to say....that the only days that something important happens on....are the days that i'm not there. and im never not there! ahhhh! thats it. i'm never missing school again! haha i wish. i do know that i'll be out of school at least one day in early december so my mom and i can do something for my stepdad for christmas.....but i dont know what day that'll be...i'll have to make sure its a red day....but yea she was like how about on the 16th? or something like that and i was like no! i've got finals sometime around there! no way in the world you're taking me out on those days. it would be killer to have to make up a final. hahaha. oh no. laughing = bad coughing fit. ahhhh! stop the coughing! ewww. i think im going to take linda's advice with the whole drinking the soup from the ramen idea....its like the only food we have for sick people....i havent eaten since like tuesday right after school...which was like at noon....and i only ate a few fries...i didnt eat breakfast that morning or dinner the night before cuz i felt sick..and since its like noon thirty on thursday...i dont know how long ive not eaten...but i know i should...but i also know it wouldnt stay in my stummy. but at least i'll be getting some food in me for however long it decides to not make me want to puke....alright thats it...i'm off to make ramen. wish me and my stummy luck? :P -later-
Read 8 comments
well...how did that go?

get better :)
the whole ramen/bob+trying not to puke thing.
apparently bob made no resistance on the way down.
god's not real
sorry about the sickness... i almost barfed on my date last Saturday...poor kid
hmm. that is wierd. especially since there are no god refernces in your entry. s/he acts like being atheist is such an anomaly.
check out my diary!
well...yeah...i kind of just ignore them though.