Its the third day in Virginia and I am not aloud to touch the tv remote downstairs with out getting yelled at. There is a tv in our room but it doesn't have comcast. So most of the time I sit in my room and get on the internet and do random crap. It bothers me. And lately I haven't had any calls from David, Hykeem, Katrina, or Davey. I need someone to talk to and its driving me crazy considering they expect me to call them all the time. I'm talking about David and Hykeem. I plan to not call them and just chill but it is so hard when I am so bored. I thought of some reasons that make sense but one call wouldn't hurt. Anyway tomorrow I go back home. I plan to go shopping for presents for when I go back to school. At this moment I'm looking at roller blades and some costumes that might be good for animazement. ~Popping cherries
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