10:27 p.m.
The human mind. What a brilliant invention it is, by whoever decided to make it. It is said that all living creatues will dream in their sleep, but have you ever wondered about what dogs may dream about. As humans, we talk with our friends all the time about our dreams, and how we have dreams about being animals, like a dolphin and just roaming around the sea being totally and completely free, and having no worries. But do we really know that they don't have worries? Do we really know they don't have to figure out how they are supposed to provide and care for their dolphin family. I feel that pretty much any living creature that can dream, has something in their life that it must worry over. Isn't it said that dreams represent the day that we have just had, and how we really preceive this day as. I know some people just feel that dreams are just hog-wash, but what if they are more? What if dreams are the secret to our deepest desires? Or that maybe they predict futuristic events that may partake in a later part of life? I suppose that these are some of the biggest reasons as to why I have enjoyed human pyschology and how our human minds work
-Clark King
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