the end...

ok ppl...this is the end of this's not really going anywhere, so yeah. it's over with. i'm sorry ppl, i hate to do this, but yeah it's over for now. so yeah...bye
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just forgive and forget. yeah she burnt down ur house, but if u still love her then u will forgive and forget. she probably already feels really horrible so don't bring it up and don't make her feel even more horrible by not talking to her or anything. just tell her that's it's ok and everything. just try to make her feel better. if that doesn't work, come back
Read 2 comments tell them that u did it and it was on accident and u didn't mean to..i mean there is a good chance they will be mad..not mad but pissed that u did it..but just explain to them...and why were u smoking in the first place?? u shouldn't be smoking in the first place. it's bad for u, no matter what age u r. but just explain to them that ur the one that burned down their house, but DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET!!!
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to anymonous

so you made things worst with ur best friend after u tried to fix it? all i can really say about that is try to give her some space and see if that helps any. if it doesn't, then just talk to her and see what is going on with you two. i hope everything works out between you and ur best friend.
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to anymonuous(the second)

just try everything to prove to her that she or he can trust u. treat her/him like a bro or sis to u and tell them everything and make them feel like they can trust u a lot. pretty much just tell them everything and if things don't work out, come back....i can probably get my best friend to help out on this one also, if you would like to get a second opinion.
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to Tearful

i'm really sorry but i really don't know how to start the convo..i would guess something like "hey, um can i talk to u about something" or something like that. just u know talk to him about it....
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to Tearful

just tell him that you don't like what his friends are to him and see if he can talk to his friends about it and see if he can get them to stop...but if he starts doing it, and if u don't like drugs, then i would talk to him and if he doesn't stop i would get out of the relationship, but right now see if he can talk to his friends and get them to stop before he gets involved with it...but if nothing happens i would be careful and make sure that he doesn't get involved b/c if he does he would be throwing away his life so make sure he doesn't do what his friends are doing, he should do his own things, not be pressured into what his friends are doing...and this is coming from a 15 year old girl :)...but seriously just watch him and see if he can talk his friends out of doing it also...good luck!
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hey ppl. sorry about not responding lately, i've actually been very busy with school and sports. but i see that i have no new entries or yeah...well just letting everybody know that i will only be giving advice on weekends, since that's the only time i can. well good luck with everybody's problems and with the people who i've gave advice to.
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hey ppl..sorry i haven't responded to any of ur problems lately..i've actually been very busy with school and things so just be patient and when i get time i will help you i promise.
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To Anymonous

just tell her what you feel. if she thinks you don't trust her, tell her that u do and then try to prove to her that u do. if she thinks u hate her, tell her u don't and try to hang out if you can, try to hang out with her more than what you already do. just tell her that u want to stay friends, but u need some time right now to just do your own thing. if she doesn't understand, then come back for more help.
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To Anymous or however u spell it lol

if u write certain things and if they're about ur friend then don't keep secrets from her. just tell her what is going on and she'll understand if she's a true friend, but don't lose her as a friend. there are some things that will she might take the wrong way or something so be careful what u say to her. so yeah.... just be careful. if u need anything else just leave another comment.
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To Kelsie(again lol)

all i can tell u is tell her that it's really bothering u and that u don't like what she is doing. if she changes then u can be happy but if she doesn't then just tell her that she needs to stop keeping things from you. if things don't change then come back.
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To Sweetneen

long distance relationships can be rough, believe me i know. but if u have the strength and if u love the person (or at least like them enough) u can make it work, but if it gets too rough or too hard to handle break things off and just tell me that you want to be friends...if they love or like u enough they'll understand..but if things are good then stay with the person for as long as possible.
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To Kelsie

just stay friends with him/her and work things out...things always work out for the best, so u never know something good might come out of staying friends with them.
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hi this diary is for anybody who needs help. i'm really good at giving advice so just leave me a comment and i'll help u out in my next diary entry..but don't get mad if i don't quickly respond it may take me a few days to respond but i will. i yeah...
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