
I might sound stupid asking this question but what is this game called halo all about ? i always play video games and i love video games i have an nintendo and a playstation but i still dont know what halo is i think it is an Xbox game but plaese give me info about this and why is it soo cool to everyone? THANKYOU!!!!!
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well in halo your basicaly taking overe an alien thingy mabober that lookes like a halo and the new one is suposed to be on earth weeeeeeeee im on
Oh my fucking Gosh, dont you ever buy halo. There are 2 types of people... The Half-life people and The Halo people. So dont go halo, its a cheap ass game where your robots and you shoot shit... Half-life everything is much better and more exciting, BUY THOSE GAMES PLZ. Half-life 2 is coming out like in 2 weeks or so, its gonna wipe everything out. No kid, Doom 3 Halo 2 and everyother game dosent compare to it... GO HERE www.half-life2.com
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