Well I spent half of my weekend at my best friends house. I didn't get home till midnight last night even though I am suposed to be home at 11. I didn't even get in trouble. I probably could of come in at 3 o'clock and my mom wouldn't even care. For once it would be nice to get in trouble for something I actually do wrong. I get in trouble for stupid shit all the time. Anywho I had fun at Megans though. We went bowling last night. I bowled a 99 which is my personal best.(but it still sucks) I was proud of myself because cause Megan and I put together their tredmill they just bought all by ourselves. Even though the gay ass instuctions didnt help. Why the hell do they have to make everything so complicated. Anways thats basically all i did this weekend. I hate being back at the house though. Megan dosen't know how lucky she is. Sometimes I wish that I could live at her house. Whatever. ~Boodles~