I'm Back

Well since I haven't been here for a while a long while I have 2 entries in here 7-12-06 Well I noticed today that live backwards is evil which I think is awesome. I kind of like spelling words backwards and see if anything makes sense out of it, but hey thats just me. I had my first pedicure today and oh my god it was the best feeling in the world! They give you a foot rub then they have this little scratchy thing and it feels so good. Plus the one nail dude was really sweet and nice and not to mention gorgeous. He didn't speak very good english but that doesn't matter. I won't hold it against him. Now if I wasn't already in love with Kyle XY (which I have already been told is a little weird) then he would be mine. mUHAhaha *evil laugh* The world and all the gorgeous men are mine! 7-9-06 Well I had one of my weird moments when I started thinking(yes I actually think)about life and my fears and how one of my biggest fears is failure. Failrue itself is a question. What is failure and who determines what failure is? Well if life is to live then it would seem that just being alive is enough right? But how do you truly live? There is a difference between just sitting somewhere and letting yourself waste away,and living. I think to live is to do the best you can in everything you do, and that may mean that you aren't perfect at everything whether its school, work, or even just dealing with everyday decisions. Living is looking out for those around you and helping people whenever you can. There isn't a better feeling on the earth then knowing that you made a difference in someone's life. And when you get that feeling that natural high then you know you're truely living and that you can't possibly be a failure.
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Well now, the first entry thing is a little scary bec and the second one is acctually phylisofical (sp - i know i cant spell worth crap)((A.K.A. smart sounding)). :P ooh look! the little number thing in the corner goes down when you type! 210 108 203! Whoo! this is fun! will it stop letting me typr when it goes to zero? lets find out! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yea it does hhhhhh