
Listening to: none
Feeling: alone
1. If you could have any superpowers, what would they be? the ability to create and control fire. 2. Do you think money can buy happiness? Naa 3. Have you ever had fantasies about the opposite sex? Fuck No!!! 4. How much money would it take for you to have sex of a different gender to the one you're attracted to? You wouldnt have enough money to pay me for me to do that. 5. If you had the power to kill any person who would it be? My step mom and my dad 6. If you had the chance to have sex with any person who would it be? Ramsey(last name of guy) 7. Would you rather be really good looking or really clever? Good looking 8. What is the worst (as in most horrible) lie you have ever told? ummm theres a few 9. What would it take for you to kill someone? A hell of a lot of somthing. 10. Would you sacrifice yourself for the person you loved? Yes 11. If you could rob a bank, knowing that you would NEVER get caught, would you? Yes 11. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Santa Cruze 12. Which is the better sex, girls or boys? Boys... there hella hot 13. Would you ever consider paying for sex? No 14. Do you find porn demeaning to women? i dunno 15. If your partner had a sex change, would you still love them? Hell no 16. Would you also still go out with them? no 17. If you could fight anyone from history, who would you have a fight with? I have no clue 18. What is the best present you have ever recieved? My stowboard 19. What is the best present you have ever given? Dunno 20. Would you ever have plastic surgery done? Nope 21. What was the last book you read? I dont like to read 22. Do you think the world is a better place for having the internet? Hella ya 23. If you died, how many people would it affect? A Hella big group 24. What would your dying wish be? To tell everyone if I liked them or not. 25. What do you think happens when you die? you get eaten by the buggies. 26. Do you have any religous beliefs? Nope 27. Do you believe in anything mystical or paranormal? no 28. Have you ever done any illegal drugs? Yes 29. Have you ever been so drunk that you cant remember things from the night before? Sorta 30. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? I would have a different dad 31. What is your biggest regret? Letting myself become so fucked up. 32. If someone was really attractive and just came up to you and asked you for sex, would you, or would decline because you didnt know her? get to know them then m8yb 33. When did you lose your virginity? last summer 34. What was the happiest moment of your life? I dunno 35. Do you want to get married? No 36. Do you want children? Hell no 37. Which is more important, a job you enjoy, or a job that pays well? Pays well 38. Do you believe that someone could have the soul of a dragon? No 39. If you were president of the USA, what is the first thing you would do? Go shopping and have a party 40. If gaia didnt exist, what would you probably be doing right now? Um.... what the heck is gaia. 41. Would you cheat on your partner if they wouldnt have sex with you? No 42. If you had a child, what would you call them? Tanesia 43. What is the funniest joke you know? dunno 44. What's the most offensive thing you have ever said to someone? I dunno I said a lot of mean things to people 45. There is a war. You can stop it, but if you dont, you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams. What do you do? dunno 46. If Ninja's were still around, would you want to train to be one? Nope 47. Do you think that kids should be allowed to have sex whenever they want? sure 48. How much money would it take for you to kill a random stranger? Alot 49. Would you lie to sleep with someone if you knew you would never be found out? I guess 50. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Well why is he chucking wood in the first place?
Read 3 comments
i hate it when people follow me around and then criticize what the fuck i do. it's so stupid. this girl in my school, i was bound to kick her ass... but my friend wouldn't let me. so.. whatever. i really wanted to though. then later at night at the awards ceremony she was following me everywhere. right. she'll say she hates me, then she wants to follow me. what the fuck is that? stupid ass bitch. lol. ah stop reading christian! lol.. haha :P
Ha you suck!
Wow, this is patheic. I could just sit here and say nothing and you'd keep saying the same shit I already heard.