You're all so friendly!

SitDiary is so much better than LiveJournal. I mean, I started this diary just a few days ago, made one post, and two people commented just to say hi? That doesn't happen in LJ (aka Land of 1000 Depressed People). Kudos to you all. I woke up with enough sleep today, and proceeded to do...nothing. Nowadays I tend to sit around the house too much, instead of actually enjoying my summer. I guess I'm not totally wasting it though, I did manage to get rid of the viruses and things that were making my computer dysfunctional today. Also, Sam called, and I asked him if he wanted to go bike riding. He said sure. So at around 7:30 we biked to the Shoreline library. It was fun, he looked at machining stuff and I just browsed. I decided not to get a video of the Stones in concert because I didn't have a backpack or large pocket or anything. I held an old favorite book of mine, though, Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes. Joey
Read 6 comments
SitDiary is much better than livejournal.
lol i used to have livejournal too
it sucked lol
welcome to sitdiary :-)
need help with anything just comment me :-)
You two rock.

If I have a problem, I'll be sure to do just that.

This seems like an exact replica out of a book. (Like that's where it belongs) However, to tell you the truth, we aren't really graced with guys much at Sit, so if you're bombarded, it's because you're a male. Apparently *EVERYONE* hasn't realized we have a new male yet. LOL. But there are those few of us, that drop lines just to say: *hi*. So, *hi*.
-well, we like to make people feel all warm and fuzzy inside, too.
Thanks for the response. If you're trying to make me feel all warm and fuzzy, well, you're succeeding. :-)

I suppose you don't get a lot of guys just because of the word "diary". Guys usually like "journal" more. I have a paper journal in my bedroom. I first wrote in it in 1997. It's amazing to read back and think how little I was.
LJ is not the land of 1000 depressed people. It's the land of 50% of kids trying to seem like they're depressed and 50% of them trying to seem like they're "normal, happy kids."

(It is truly the land of bullshit, the stuff of utter stupidity)

In any case, I'm off. In the head. You know, the usual.

I'm going to go respond to your IM now.