it's gonna eat me

it seems that a lot of people at school think i'm made of friggin steel or something. that i was born without tear ducts...well im kind of flattered...but after what happened last night i feel i just cannot lead you astray any longer. so i was home alone, and my dad had a birthday a little while ago, so someone gave him a helium filled balloon. well over time those things lose their helium, so yesterday it was at the point where it could kind of float a little bit, but had lost most of its oomph. so i was in the kitchen gettin mahself some cheese twisty things when i kept seeing the balloon out the corner of my eye, i kept thinking it was umm...looking at me. heh. so i started batting it down to the ground and then it came back up and i thought it was being like possesed stalker balloon so i kept batting at it and it kept coming back up and then i was like "AAAAAH!!!" and i bit a huge whole in it and then squeezed all the air out of it like a freakin then it just hung there...and i felt stupid. and about the no tear ducts thing, i cried last night. but it wasnt cause i was depressed. i cried cause i was so happy. ryan, if you see this entry call my cell b/c mitch and i were planning on going to the movie w/ anne and you. 850-9381.
Read 11 comments
double date!!! go see amityville horror.
haha eww thats dirty making out during movies! lol jk. i can see now, i found my glasses. lol. well like if you have someone older buy the tix for you, you dont need someone to go with you to let you in. or if jackie's working that night in the boxoffice maybe she can get you in.
okay i just saw it today.....umm DONT see the amityville horror unless you plan on actually watching it. its too good to waste making out. :-P
sorry i wasn't able to make it in time. My game astarted at 5 and i just got home like ten minutes ago. We'll see about next weekend, I have games and that show then, but it would be a lot of fun to get together and hang out go to a movie, or whatever.
sounds like something i would do
thats what im here for isnt it :-P haha.
i hate balloons. unless they're purple.
: P
hey, did you say that because i said fuck to no end in the entry?
it's been a pretty rough day.
: P
i think part of our first verse should be "april showers bring may flowers (and rainbows), but candy sure is fun"

haha. we've got 1 line done!
no i wasnt talking about your mitch, the mitch i was talking to goes to my church.
well its good that you were happy....but why were you crying??? I wanna know