Sometimes i wander, never very far. I wander in thought more often though. I wander to a place were no one cares about the purely vain things anymore, where my words are not mistaken for a conjigation of meaninless letters. letters for a poet, i can't say that i am one, a poet. i'd like to be but where's the money in that, see there i go being human again. there doesn't need to be money when there is joy and love and thought put into every word that graces the page. When reading just one opens a doorway into my life, my self. i guess some would say that was bold and other's that it is very brash. either way i guess it is the pure joy o writing that keeps me writing. This page is an effort to be heard, in hopes that it might inspire, invoke the deepest of thoughts. I suppose that's a lot to ask for, but it is not to much. So much is wrong with today's society, but so much is right. Amidst terrible foes and events, we have come together. under false pretenses perhaps but the meaning of coming together is far far greater. I only wish that these writings will let you peer into my thoughts, my soul. i hopes that you can see the good that is left in all man kind. this is all a bit Pretentious, to think i might make a mark, but it remains my hope, my dream ever vigilant, ever hopeful DS (Steele Alloy)
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