no its not my kitten. i just found that picture and thought it was cute so i used it.
heyy i IMed you but you didn`t answerr. my sn is On stAge suiCide okay bye
is this hannah tuttle or martin??
mr.roos you?
hannah? who?
o thats awsome i live in Damascus.. it sux here!!
hey,it is crazykt94,wat up??i am in jersey at my dads house lol comment meback lol *peace*
your background is so cute
Yeah I live a half an hour from honesdale it is boring I live in lakewood

gnarly comment. =D

i love your background. lovin' the bright colored polka dots.

hey, hey, hey!
hey bitch, if i wanted to know how fucking ugly i am, i would've asked you ok fuck you.
