Hard Work!

Feeling: torn
Quote of the Day "The world will know peace when the power of love overcomes the love of power." - Jimi Hendrix - [sent in by trechic]
I am so tired it's not even funny! All weekend I had to paint my grandpa's overhangs around his house. The first day [11 hours] I spent the entire time preping everything. This included sanding, taking off guters, and stuff like that. The next day I put up all the paper around the house so that I wouldn't get any paint on the house. Then I painted and painted and painted forever! After the entire 14 hours of work it was worth it, I got paid $500 which means I have enough for my car insurence which means by the time I have my drivers licence [not permit] my mom would have bought me a car! YAY! Anyways, I'm tired, I'm going to bed!
Read 3 comments
cheers for you, you listen to good music. Here's a Jimi Quote "The world will know peace when the power of love overcomes the love of power." hotness
nice diary

i love you
twoots. you are hotness for putting the quote up. cheers for you.