Fall Break

Quote of the Day "A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election." -Bill Vaughan-
I haven't updated in awhile, sorry. Well my sister is out of the hospital which is great news. She got out the week that I had a week off too so that made it even better. On Tuesday I went to my grandma's and while I was there I visited my sister at her house. We mostly played video games since she couldn't do much because of her condition. I came back from my grandma's on Thursday. On Friday Garrett spent the night at my house and all we really did was watch movies. He had to leave early in the morning because he had to read his book. We still had a good time though. On Saturday I had a baseball game which I started (pitching). We won and I had a lot of fun doing it. Well I guess thats all that really happen up to today.
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Hey man, no it's the one I'm getting, the tele. You play bass? Ya zeppelin is my favorite band , jimmy's my idol but doors are definitely in top 5.

hey i loveeeee the doors ...umm whats yurr sn?
mines dayytripperrrr
n my journal is tha same just minus one r...k peace..
hey thanks the beatles n the doors are both awesome lol whats yur screen name?
hey,..umm,..nothing really. just hanging around with friends and stuff like that. what have you been doing?
thats always fun!