May 12th has now become my favorite day. Other than it being my birthday, it's my last day with tests.... then SUMMER !!!! Soooo I'm going to the beach for two weeks, and the rest of the time I'll be missing the glorious weather to be in the awesome eckerds....ohhh joy. So I got accapted to Plattsburgh. I dunno if I wanna transfer. They have my major and I can go right into their master's program. Here I have all my friends, and track buds, and even my track coach wants me to stay... I can't even do a pos. Neg. chart b/c all the positives of Plattsburgh I'm unsure if I will like, and here I know I like them.... so bleh.... massive amounts of h.w. this weekend and another track meet to suck at and get burnt. Suntan lotion does not work anymore. Everything is made so much cheaper now. I think I shall watch the sound of music. : )
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