"if you keep one eye on the past and one eye on the future.

Everything is going well for me right now, i'm feeling shitybut that's just because of the shitty weather we've been havin, weather changes suck alot. Other then that the day has been going fairly well.... i'm not grouchy and bitchy today. been pretty calm. me and Robert got into a fight the other day, I was just tripping, he knows when he's gone for hours i get pretty mad, because i didn't get a call from him and I told that I didn't like him going over to certain person's house and to go there and then come right back. I didn't have a cell phone to call him my brother's is shut of for some reason and he had mine, so i got upset and walked around in the rain and now..... i'm sick. bleh! I know I can trust him, it's not that, it's just I don't trust other girls, espeacially with this one, who does alot of things (bad things) that I don't want him to be around, I don't want him to be in a house like that.... i'm sorry but i was tripping out, and i have so much emotions that i hid for a long long time from the past, and yes Robert, he helped me to open up and let it all out and he's someone I can let it all out to, and when I "trip out" and start to get all emotional all those things from the past start to come out, and let me tell you... it;s not good at all. I have a serious break down from that... I learned something though.... "if you keep one eye on the past and one eye on the future, your gonna end up cross eyed" ....that's how this whole life thing works, look at the future the past can't change anything, it's what you do now that matters not the past, it jus brings you down. *It's amazing the way God helps me see things* thank you.....
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