Feeling: abandoned
Tomas left me again. I'm sick of him getting my hopes up and then letting them fall. I've gotten to the point where I don't believe anything he says.
I don't believe it when he says he'll call me.
or when he says he misses me.
or when he says he wishes he was with me.
I doubt him so much when he tells me he loves me.
*_I can't let you let me down again..._*
Oh well. I'm talking to Alyssa, I miss her so much... I don't remember the last time we talked. Talking to her makes me feel better... last summer she was the only person I'd talk to on MSN... ever since I met Tomas and she and Justin got together, we've really been slacking on talking. But I miss her alot and I'm glad we're talking lol.
The end.
It's 11:11, make a wish.
{I always catch the clock, it's 11:11...}
Goodluck xxx