*7:::aNd yoU ((never)) cared~

Yea..so today was fine until english when I founf out Kirsten was mad at me..Then the day went from bad to worse when I got on the bus. Ivy got all on my shit because I called her a "skank" to Kirsten..which by the way..I didnt. I believe it was Kirsten who said that she wished Ivy never came to Preston because it ruined a lot of things. But of course..again, I get all the blame. And then chelts got all on my shit because according to Kirsten..I hate chelts..which I dont. But I guess you never know who your true friends are, because everyone talks about people..and we all know it. Some people just lie about it and get caught. And Kirsten, If you read this..Fuck you, You think that your perfect..because..why would you ever talk about anybody? Wait..you have! And you just lie about it. And you let me get all the blame. Good best friend you are. You told me that Cait is a backstabber and lier and you hated that. Well guess what you just turned into. Right. But I never told Cait you said that, And I never told Chelts or Ivy any of this shit you every said about them. Wanna know why. Because I was trying to be a good friend and not go blabbing, I learned my lesson from last year, and I tell you that Ivy was talking about me..and you get her pissed at me, thanks a lot. Your the best friend I wish I never had.
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hey Jess,
I really like your diaryy its really pretty x3
i really hope you dont hate me =/ i never told matt you couldnt hug him youve been friends along time n your cl0se i respect that i think its awesome to have friends like that so i hope we can be friends?
also im sorry about everything thats going on for you =( i have those days too where i feel like i dont have one single friend n just when i thought i found someone i can trust..h/o
just when i think ive found someone i can trust turns out im wrong it sucks bcz it feels like you have no where to turn..? but maybe thats not exactly what your going through? just thought id comment n get this all out in the open? hope you dont hate me
im really happy f0r you n Matt =)
here if you ever want to talk to someone?