This fucking sucks

I'm so mad and kinda sad. First theres adam whos a real prick towards everyone he thinks he king of the fucking world. But now my friend rory who is coming down for christmas got into a fight with adam and rory doesn't take any shit from anybody. Specailly when it comes to fucking assholes like the king of the ass masters. But adam thinks he can take rory on. I think thats fucking hillarious because adam can't even beat me up. Rory almost knocked me out just play fighting once. But adam says he's going to fight dirty and the last time I fought adam he fought dirty and almost killed me by trying to snap my neck in two. So now to the part why im kinda depressed. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday and he's in the states working and won't be back till tomorrow night and I was supposed to take the day off tommorow and spend time with him and get my g1. I was so excited and then I found out last night that he left for the states. So yeah I don't know. But looking on the bright side I get to see him on the weekend. I feel like him and thomas are the only ones that help me out and try to be there when I need them the most. Well thats it for me.
Read 14 comments
Hey shitface.. get over it.. or i'll knock some sense into YOU!
HI JoHn!
Good luck on getting G1. Its not that hard. :)

The person below my lovely comment is very mean! wow chill

anyway LaterZ
hey john... how's it going. you don't leave me comments and i think that you should start...NOW! lol. Well i hope you feel better and that you get to see your dad. I have to go for my G1 soon but everytime i open the book i get bored or i fall asleep which probably isn't good. lol well see you later bye
hey john... how's it going. you don't leave me comments and i think that you should start...NOW! lol. Well i hope you feel better and that you get to see your dad. I have to go for my G1 soon but everytime i open the book i get bored or i fall asleep which probably isn't good. lol well see you later bye
glad i could help
I am always here if you need anything. if you need to talk and stuff.

She was there for you. And she would have done anything to help you. But you just had to let her go. And don't be a stupid little emo kid, you know who I'm talking about. By the way, your story makes no sense. All you ever do is kill the people you don't like.
[Anonymous] guessing that annoymus comment was from
i love ur entry....where are u from?
ahhh robot bitch-zilla!!!! hehe

i am bored so i am just leaving a random comment....

and its not true!!!!! NOT TRUEEEE -dies-


i'm bored and your not online....

-waves again-

boo! ^-^

i'm bored again, and i am just leaving random comments. so yeah.

btw that was me down there ^^

Hi John!

Later.. lol